Proportions of the Human Head. Step by step. © ZeroWorld 1999.

Draw a circle, draw a vertical line passing through the center, divide the height of the circumference into three equal parts and add a fourth one down.

We now have 4 segments (top to bottom, on the vertical line), corresponding to the relative heights of:
0) Top of the head,
1) base of the scalp,
2) position of the eyes,
3) base of the nose,
4) base of the chin.
NOTE: The distance between the two eyes corresponds to the width of an imaginary third eye.
The head is approximately 5 eyes wide.

The base of the lower lip is placed on the line that bisects the distance chin – base of the nose.
To get the position of the ears you have to extend the horizontal line at the level of the eyebrows and the one passing through the base of the nose.
The structure of the face is now complete.
These are the proportions of a “standard” face, by appropriately varying these distances, changing the shape of the jaw and adding special options like beard, mustache, glasses, etc … you can obtain all types of face.

In the side view the circle expands in ellipse, the position of the ears is immediately after the line that vertically bisects the head width.
The lower lip leans forward over the lower one, the neck joins the trunk following a trajectory not vertical but rather oblique.

The head, considered separately from the other parts of the body, has the appearance of a sphere (skullcap) fused with a wedge (lower face).